
Local Insights

Published on March 1st, 2016 | by Maryam Safai


Diabetes and Dental Health

Dental Health dentist is in the position of observing symptoms of systemic problems that are seemingly unrelated to the visit. For instance, diabetes can lead to changes in the mouth, and can particularly affect the gums and periodontal tissue. People with diabetes that have poor blood glucose control often have severe gingivitis or periodontitis. In fact, people with diabetes are two to three times more likely than people without diabetes to have destructive forms of periodontal disease, often leading to tooth loss. Tooth loss in turn may cause people to eat less healthy foods that contain more fat or sugar and less fiber because such foods are easier to chew.

In addition, those with diabetes that also have periodontal disease may find that their blood glucose control is made more difficult and have approximately a two-to-three times greater risk of heart disease and five times greater risk of kidney disease.

Proper care of the mouth by means of preventing or treating periodontal disease may help people with diabetes achieve better blood glucose control. Treatment of periodontal disease decreases the infection and inflammation of the gums, and so contributes to the improvement of blood glucose control by making insulin work more effectively.

Maryam Safai, DDS, is the owner of the Center for Dentistry & Functional Medicine, located at 800 Wyckoff Ave., in Wyckoff, NJ. For more information, call 201-891-4425 or visit BeautyBySafai.com.

About the Author

Maryam Safai, DDS, owns and operates the Center for Dentistry & Functional Medicine, located at 800 Wyckoff Ave., in Wyckoff. For more information, call 201-891-4425 or visit BeautyBySafai.com.

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