Flower Arranging Tips From a Pro
A healthy, professional-looking bouquet doesn’t take years of flower designing to achieve; these tricks of the trade will help neophyte designers get started.
To loosen up tightly wound buds, breathe on them. Hot breath will open buds up faster, says publisher and arranger Kathy Jentz.
An arranging technique Jentz recommends is clustering blossoms between the index finger and thumb of the less-dominant hand, resulting in a tight arrangement that can be held in place by a rubber band pulled up to the tops of the stems.
If working with hydrangeas or other flowers with woody stems, smash open the stems along the length to get more water circulation.
Consider upcycling common containers to make flower vases, Jentz says. “You can create recycled vases out of old jars and bottles, or use chalk paint to colorfully cover over a tin can.”
The secret sauce in flower food is simply sugar and citric acid, says Jentz, so a little lemonade mix added to the water of an arrangement will work fine in a pinch.
Photo: Daria_Cherry/Shutterstock.com