Nutritional Therapy Can Make a Difference in Dental Care
Today, we know of dozens of nutrients that are absolutely necessary for human life, including 13 vitamins and 16 essential minerals. We also know that taking more than the minimum requirement of some nutrients can have therapeutic effects; not just preventing diseases of deficiency, but supporting the body’s innate healing abilities. Nutritional therapies include intravenous (IV) drip therapy as a safe and effective support for a range of treatments.
Oral supplements are great, but a therapeutic dosage would mean swallowing far more pills than most would be willing to tolerate. Delivering nutrients intravenously sidesteps that problem. Oral supplements have to travel a long path through the digestive system before the nutrients make it into the bloodstream to be delivered to the body’s cells. A fair amount of their power is lost along the way.
IV nutrients bypass the digestive system so they can go straight to the cells, where metabolism operates. This also means we can deliver nutrients at much higher dosages than most people would be able to tolerate when taking them orally. This is especially the case with one of the most important nutrients delivered through IV: vitamin C.
Vitamin C is a strong antioxidant that boosts immune function and helps protect against toxic metals such as the mercury that makes up about 50 percent of each “silver” amalgam filling. Because of this, IV vitamin C is a crucial part of any sensible amalgam removal protocol administered during the procedure.
For nearly 100 years, doctors have been aware of vitamin C’s potential to support wound healing after injury or surgical procedures. This is because of the crucial role it plays in generating new collagen. So surgical protocols may involve IV nutrition, as well; not just vitamin C, but other nutrients that support the healing process, such as vitamins B12, D, and E. Additionally, antibiotics can be delivered by IV to prevent infection without compromising gut health as broad spectrum oral antibiotics do.
Gut health is critical to oral health. Used in conjunction with other biocompatible supports such as platelet-rich fibrin, nutritional drip therapy sets the stage for fast, natural and uneventful healing for patients.
Dr. Vladimir Gashinsky from Holistic Dental Center of New Jersey provides exceptional biological dentistry with surgical expertise in a friendly, home-like environment. For appointments and more information, call at 973-457-4244 or visit