Accupressure Gateway to the Heart and Spirit
The heart and its emotion of love and connection are critically important to our physical and emotional health. In celebration of the heart, the acupressure point on the heart meridian, Heart 7 (HT7), has a spectrum of benefits through gentle massaging. This point helps support our heart organ to function effectively, increase our capacity to love more deeply and enhance our ability to show compassion to the world.
HT7 is one of the most important meridian points in the body. It is located on the wrist crease, just below the palm, and aligned with the pinkie finger. Holding, rubbing, massaging, spinning a crystal or weaving figure-eights over this point balances heart energies and brings harmony and calmness to the heart organ and the body. As the heart meridian source point with extra energy reserves, HT7 serves the heart organ by balancing either excess or deficient energy. Working with HT7 also helps a broken heart.
Significantly, HT7 is often referred to as the spirit gate, or shenmen point, in Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is a gateway to the innermost chambers of the heart and an energetic pathway for heart expression and loving presence. Massaging this acupressure point releases energy blockages associated with imbalances in the spirit, mind and emotion.
Not only does HT7 regulate and strengthen the heart organ in general, it also helps reduce or balance the emotions of stress, anxiety and panic, as well as blood pressure issues. In addition, HT7 supports sleep. It is the leading acupressure point in treating anxiety and insomnia. Emotionally, HT7 helps manage irritability and manic depression.
The heart meridian is part of the fire rhythm energy. The HT7 helps to support the blood and cools down internal fire energy reducing stress, anxiety, panic and palpitations. Cooling the internal fire also helps reverse insomnia. By balancing the fire rhythm energy, the shenmen point calms and clears the mind to improve thinking, and helps with memory loss. Regular massaging of the HT7 point revitalizes and improves memory at any age.
Physiologically, massaging HT7 helps with heart-related symptoms of heart arrhythmia, palpitations and pounding sensations. Other symptoms affected by HT7 include motion sickness, vertigo and nausea. Massaging the HT7 point relieves chest tightness, palpitations and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) because the heart meridian is connected to our chest and heart area.
Indiviuals can massage HT7 for 15 to 30 seconds on one wrist and then repeat on the other wrist for 15 to 30 seconds. It is recommended to keep repeating back and forth for three to five minutes and repeat this massage a few times a day. For motion sickness or vertigo, use a fingernail or thumb to massage the HT7 point.
For more information, call 551-500-5011 or email