
Natural Pet healing-power

Published on August 29th, 2024 | by Natural Awakenings Publishing Corp.


Healing Power of Therapy Dogs: Benefits for Post-Traumatic Stress Sufferers

Pet therapy, also known as animal-assisted therapy (AAT), has long been recognized for its therapeutic benefits across a range of mental health conditions, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Psychiatric service dogs are empathetic in nature and intuitively respond to human emotions. These capacities allow them to provide comfort and support precisely when it’s needed, often without the need for verbal communication. These dogs are not just pets but vital partners in the journey toward mental and emotional healing.

PTSD Recovery

Interacting with psychiatric service dogs can reduce anxiety and stress levels by increasing the release of oxytocin, a hormone associated with bonding and stress reduction, while decreasing cortisol levels, which are linked to stress.

Psychiatric service dogs provide a calming presence, which is crucial for reducing anxiety and hypervigilance, common symptoms of PTSD. A study published in Frontiers in Psychology  involving 134 veterans with service dogs found that trained skills such as calming and interrupting anxiety are highly valued by veterans with PTSD, suggesting their critical role in daily PTSD management. The study also noted that untrained behaviors of the dogs are often perceived as more beneficial than their trained tasks, highlighting the intrinsic value of simply having a dog as a companion.

A 2022 study of 82 post-9/11 military veterans published in PLOS ONE reported that their psychiatric service dogs helped them with PTSD by performing calming actions and interrupting the veterans’ disturbing behaviors and thoughts during anxiety episodes. Researchers noted that all of the tasks the dogs had been trained to perform were used daily by the veterans, providing benefits for nearly all PTSD symptoms, except amnesia and reckless behavior. The human-animal bond and untrained qualities, such as companionship, also significantly improved symptomology and quality of life for the participants.

Psychiatric service dogs enhance emotional regulation and improve social interactions for PTSD sufferers. Their non-judgmental and accepting nature creates a safe space for individuals to explore and manage difficult emotions. Additional research reported in the European Journal of Psychotraumatology demonstrated significant improvements in emotional and attentional regulation among adolescents with PTSD that were asked to participate in a one-year dog-training program.

Challenges for Service Dogs

While the therapeutic benefits for the handlers are significant, the European Journal of Psychotraumatology study also noted that the dogs in the training programs exhibited increased anxiety and decreased attention. This highlights a critical aspect of animal-assisted therapy: The welfare of the animals must be considered alongside the therapeutic benefits. Training programs need to ensure that the dogs are not overly stressed or burdened by their roles.

Practical Advice for Prospective Handlers

Prospective handlers of psychiatric service dogs should choose programs that prioritize the well-being of both dogs and humans through training, support and follow-up care. Engaging with a psychiatric service dog is a significant commitment that requires handlers to invest time in training and bonding with their dogs, as well as managing their emotional and physical needs to ensure a mutually beneficial relationship.

Understanding the legal rights pertaining to psychiatric service dogs, including accessibility in public spaces and accommodations, is crucial. Handlers should educate themselves about local and national laws that protect their rights and those of their service dogs.

Psychiatric Service Dog

Obtaining a psychiatric service dog involves careful consideration of the therapeutic benefits versus the potential stress on the animal. Look for reputable programs that train dogs to assist individuals with PTSD, while also prioritizing the welfare of the dogs and properly matching dogs and handlers.

The integration of psychiatric service dogs into mental health care offers more than just companionship; it opens a dynamic pathway for healing and managing PTSD symptoms. As we continue to explore and understand the unique bond between humans and animals, it becomes increasingly clear that dogs are not only cherished pets, but also invaluable partners. 

Ruth Roberts is an integrative veterinarian and holistic health coach for pets, as well as the creator of The Original CrockPet Diet. Learn more at DrRuthRoberts.com.

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