Feng Shui for Abundant Living
It’s a bright new year, a time for new beginnings. In our fast-paced lives today, we are barely conscious of what is going on around us. Feng shui principles help us to create an environment for fabulous and abundant living. When we have a positive, supportive environment, everything is possible!
Here are a few tips to get started:
- Create Fabulous Firsts. What we see is what we become, whether we are conscious of it or not. We must notice how we feel, and all our “firsts” should be “fabulous.”
- Love it or Lose it. Keep only those objects that make us feel good.
- Be in Command. We must always have our backs supported, with an easy view of what is coming. This allows the central nervous system to remain in a calm state, creating a secure feeling without distraction and ready to receive all opportunities awaiting us.
- Create Movement and Flow. Movement should be effortless through our spaces. Placement of furniture and other objects should allow easy movement through openings, doorways and hallways.
- Achieve Healthy Maintenance. Doors, windows and drawers should open easily, without squeaking or sticking. Leaks, clogs and cracks should be repaired. Keep the toilet lid down when flushing. As it is said, “What goes up must come down.” Contain that “up” flow inside the toilet.
- Let the Sun Shine in. Allow natural light to flow into each space. Be mindful of overgrown shrubs and trees. Windows should be clean and clear.
- Enjoy Fun and Frolic. Be inspired, feel joy, have fun! It’s important to surround ourselves with inspiration. We must be ready to change it up when it all becomes too familiar and we need some new sparkle in our lives.
Lois Kramer-Perez is an intuitive feng shui practitioner based in Paramus. For more information, call 201-906-5767, email Lois@LoisKramerPerez.com or visit LoisKramerPerez.wordpress.com.