Eat Well, Spend Less
- Freeze cheese that starts going bad. Defrosted cheese tastes best melted. Don’t buy shredded cheese—shred it at home.
- Substitute yogurt for cream and sour cream in recipes. Drain yogurt in a coffee filter to thicken. To economize and reduce package waste, buy in volume and measure out small servings.
- Cut and freeze fresh fruit when it’s on sale or overripe. Use later in smoothies, oatmeal or yogurt. To eliminate clumping, lay pieces on a tray to freeze or freeze pureed fruit in ice cube trays. When frozen, transfer to a bag.
- Make sure the word “whole” is in the very first ingredient listed on the label. “Multigrain” or “wheat” language or a brown color isn’t enough.
- Start kids off right with whole grains, not white bread and white pasta. If they’re not used to whole grains, mix them in gradually.
- Buy in bulk and stock up during sales. Avoid pricey oatmeal packets; they’re often loaded with salt and sugar. Buy whole- grain bread on sale and freeze.
- Add nuts to oatmeal, cereal, salads and stir-fries for healthy, hearty meals. Raw nuts are often the less expensive option; roast them for a delicious snack. Freeze nuts so they’ll stay fresh longer.
- Whole or cut-up bone-in chicken can save money. Buy family-size packs on sale and freeze. Bake extra and use all week.
- Soak and cook dried beans to save money.
- Before vegetables go bad, freeze them or make soup.
- Stock up on veggies that store well in a cool, dry place. Potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, calabaza (squash and melons) and sweet potatoes hold their taste for several weeks. Frozen vegetables and cabbage keep well, too.
Read More: Good Food on a Tight Budget