November 2013 Publisher’s Letter
Personal Growth
Welcome to our Personal Growth issue. Pat and I just returned from a two-day trip in the Catskill Mountains, where we celebrated our ninth wedding anniversary. Not long after we got married, I wrote an old friend to give him the news. He wrote back that “Marriage is a great way to work through your deep-seated issues.”
I worked though those stubborn issues over the years, and it was a huge plus that Pat became a practitioner of several energy healing modalities. I don’t see how I could have experienced my recent personal growth without these.
I would like to thank Gary Douglas and Dain Heer for creating Access Consciousness and Dolores Cannon for creating Quantum Healing Hypnosis, but I thank Pat most of all for having the love and patience to guide me to a place in my life that feels a lot like true happiness. Pat, I’ll always love you and be there for you.