Adopt New Drinking Habits for the New Year
by Kimberly Johnston
Start off 2014 with the best, simplest way to get to the healthiest you. There are so many great choices of healthy drinks today, and we also know most of the not-so-great. There are fresh juices, healthy and abundant smoothies and what seems like 1,000 different types of water; flavored, distilled, filtered, enhanced, alkaline… and the list seems to be getting longer.
Let’s start off with some facts about water and our bodies. Water is the most critical requirement after oxygen needed to maintain and enhance our body’s chemistry. Adding the right amount and the best type of water is the easiest way to accelerate weight loss, banish fatigue and clear brain fog.
To to make hydration as effective as possible, all water we drink should be alkaline water, which is simply water with a pH level greater than seven. Tap water usually comes out at seven and there is some debate on why that occurs and if tap water is even drinkable in some areas. With its abundant oxygen level, alkaline water helps neutralize the acids that make us fat.
As for how much water do we need to drink to stay properly hydrated, the best answer is eight glasses a day, or a minimum of seven ounces of water for every 10 pounds of body weight. We should drink more if we are active, work out or live/work in a dry place. Don’t forget the heat is on, which creates a very dry environment indoors.
Kimberly Johnston is a certified nutrition counselor and a certified personal trainer based in northern New Jersey, and a consultant for Alkazone. Contact her at 201-880-7966 or