Holistic Treatment Center for Addiction Welcomes Louise Umberto
The Full Recovery Wellness Center, New Jersey’s holistic treatment center for alcohol and drug addiction has added Louise Umberto to their family of caring professionals.
Addiction is the plague of our modern time. National statistics state that 80 percent of people discharged from a 28-day rehab will relapse with 30 days, and 90 percent within six months. Alcohol and drug abuse is a spiritual, emotional, and physical disease and, to achieve long-term recovery, requires addressing all three components. Unfortunately, too often addiction is being treated exclusively with medication.
From the holistic perspective, giving more medication to an addict is doing more of what has obviously not worked in the past. Long-term recovery requires learning productive methods for dealing with life on life’s terms without the need for escaping via intoxication.
Umberto’s experience as a holistic nurse, hypnotist, yoga, healing touch, and meditation instructor will provide clients with effective ways of handling stress and anxiety as each transitions into a healthy drug-free lifestyle. Integrating spiritual principles and energy therapies with holistic medical practices provides a foundation for new habits of thought and action needed for a productive life in recovery.
Umberto is also available for individual and group hypnosis for smoking cessation, weight loss and stress reduction.
Location: 333 Route 46 W., Ste. 205, Fairfield. For more information, call 973-244-0022 or visit FullRecovery