Zendu: Taking Yoga Off the Mat
Zendu is a new concept in yoga that offers a way to integrate this most ancient form of exercise into daily activities; a whole life system that flexes not only the muscles but the brain and spirit as well.
Created by yoga instructors Mark Van Buren, from Dumont, and Krishna Venkatesh, from River Edge, this unique approach to yoga is simple and practical. Combining traditional Zen training with the teachings of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Zendu Yoga is a complete and full-bodied practice incorporating guided meditation, discussions on Zen, yoga positions, ancient breathing techniques and deep relaxation.
The goals of this new approach to yoga are not only increased strength, flexibility and physical health, but also increased psycho-emotional strength and discipline; teaching the mind to comfortably and effortlessly bend and twist with all the ups and downs of life.
Although this new form of yoga is rigorous, it is always modified for the individual user’s needs. Students are encouraged to always do “their” practice; honoring their body, mind, and spirit and above all, never doing anything that does not feel right for them.
Van Buren and Venkatesh readily acknowledge that Zendu is not the be-all and end-all of yoga; in fact, new concepts like Zendu only scratch the surface of how adaptive and expansive yoga can be. As much as their teaching is focused and disciplined, fun and humor also play a big part. Zendu celebrates the imperfections in all of us, on the mat and off, and teaches the practitioner to embrace every situation, good or bad, as a potential learning experience.
For more information or location of a class nearby, visit ZenduYoga.com.