April 2014 Publisher’s Letter
The Gift of You
Do you recognize the gift of you? Truly? Do you know the contribution that you are? How much of you have you been hiding away? How much of you have you kept under wraps?
For many of us, early in life, we decided that we are too much—too much joy, too much energy, too much creativity, too much possibility, too much of everything—and we do all that we can to shrink ourselves down to a size that we feel is acceptable to society, the size that fits nicely in a box, the size that doesn’t make people too uncomfortable. After hiding long enough, we forget who we really are and that there are other choices available.
Would you be willing to let yourself go free? Would you be willing to unwrap the present called you? Would you like to have and be all that you can truly be? To begin to get a sense of who you are, I invite you to do a little exercise. Close your eyes for a moment. Now find the outside edges of you. Not the outside edges of your body, but the outside edges of you. Keep going. Keep going. Do you get that you are everywhere? You are an infinite being. No limits. No box.
We often become so familiar with limitations and confinement that we begin to identify with them and forget we are infinite. We forget who we are. We begin to see ourselves as finite, and function as if we are small, weak and at the mercy of the people and situations that surround us.
Are you ready to stop believing that lie? Are you ready to recognize that you are indeed infinite? You are boundless, unlimited, never-ending, interminable space! Is now the time to be everything that you truly are? Is now the time to choose to no longer believe the lies of limitation that have been imposed and perpetrated on you? Are you ready to reclaim the space, the joy, the energy, the consciousness, the creativity, the possibility—the infiniteness that you truly are? What would it take for you to unwrap the gift of you?
In the words of inspirational author Marianne Williamson, “There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do.”
Enjoy the warmer weather!