LIVE YOUR SONG ~ It Keeps Us in Tune with Ourself
Listen to a traditional West African Griot story: When a tribal woman knows she is pregnant, she goes into the wilderness with a few friends to pray and meditate until they hear the song of the child. They recognize that every soul has its own vibration that expresses its unique flavor and purpose. When the women attune to the song, they sing it out loud. Then they return and teach it to everyone else.
When children are born into the tribe, the village community gathers and sings their song, one unique melody for each unique child. Later, when children begin their education, the village again gathers to chant each child’s song. They sing upon the initiation of adulthood and at the time of their marriage. If at any time someone commits a crime or aberrant social act, the villagers will circle the individual and chant their song, recognizing that the proper correction is love and the remembrance of identity, because when you recognize your own song you have no desire or need to do anything that would hurt another. Finally, when the soul is about to pass from this world, family and friends gather at the bedside, as they did at birth, and sing the person to the next life.
In any culture, a friend is one that knows our song and sings it to us when we have forgotten it. Those that love us are not fooled by the mistakes we’ve made or the dark images we hold about ourself. They remember our beauty when we feel ugly; our wholeness when we are broken; our innocence when we feel guilty; and our purpose when we are confused.
Life always reminds us when we are and when we’re not in tune with ourself. When we feel good, we are matching our song. We may feel a little wobbly at times, but so have all the great singers. If we just keep singing, we’ll find our way home. In the end, we shall all recognize our song and sing it well.
Modern pioneers in vibrational energy like Sharry Edwards (bioacoustic biology) and Donna Eden (energy medicine) have independently detected that each of us has a fundamental signature frequency that can be equated to our unique song that persists throughout life. We innately seek natural sounds that reinforce and strengthen our song such as the surf, wind or birds. Even the stars and heavens offer songs out of our hearing range that benefit cell-to-cell vibrations within that we intuitively feel as the magic of a midnight sky.
At one with the universe, our song contributes its part in the infinite chorus of creation.
Jill Mattson is an author, artist, musician and sound healing composer. Her books and CDs, based on 20 years of studying ancient civilizations, support healing and personal growth. Connect at
The Griot story is based on an interpretation by Jane Maluka and Dan Millman.