Merciér Pelvic Massage Boosts Women’s Fertility
A new, noninvasive infertility treatment has met with highly favorable results. In a recent study published in the journal Midwifery Today, 40 of 48 women between ages 28 and 42 that underwent two or more sessions of Merciér Therapy achieved pregnancy within the first year; 32 of those used the method alone (no other artificial fertilization/insemination techniques). The four-year study was presented at the 2013 World Congress of Low Back and Pelvic Pain.
The Merciér Method was developed by Jennifer Merciér, a midwife and holistic women’s health practitioner. The regimen includes six hours of pelvic organ massage manipulation, along with a supplement program and continuous monitoring. She explains, “Our protocol is a gentle and noninvasive visceral manipulation of the female reproductive organs that helps to increase general organ mobility and blood flow, which enhances optimal function.” A documentary on the protocol, Fertility: The Shared Journey with Merciér Therapy, premieres this month (