The Vibration and Sound of Tibetan Singing Bowls
Everything has a vibration, even our bodies; quantum physics has proven this. We can think of our bodies like a musical instrument, and as we relax, the rhythm is peaceful, bringing a sense of stillness and allowing the body to be at ease. When the body is at ease, it is better equipped to fight off many diseases and combat daily stress. Prayer can be used with the singing bowls, acknowledging any form of faith as the sound soothes. An open mind and open heart will be our guide for receiving the healing gifts of these bowls. Like water that travels down a river, these gentle tones move peace within. As the bowl is singing, many overtones and undertones can be discerned, with no two bowls having the same sound. These harmonic tones move through our consciousness, like peeling away the layers of an onion.
Tibetan signing bowls are native to the Himalayas and were traditionally found in Nepal and India, with a history dating back to the eighth century. These Tibetan singing bowls are part of nada yoga, which means union through sound. In the 1970s, singing bowls made their way to Western countries. There is little record of how the sacred singing bowls are made, because most of the handmade and deeply spiritual bowls have been passed down, bringing with them shamanistic and ayurvedic healing practices. The seven sacred metals used in the making of the bowls correspond to the planets and the chakras of the body: Sun-gold; Moon- silver; Mercury-mercury; Venus- copper; Mars- iron; Jupiter-tin; and Saturn-lead.
These seven sacred metals become a molten mixture and the metal is poured on a flat surface, then hammered into shape. It is said it can take three to four people to hand hammer each bowl turning on a lathe. Mantras are repeated as the singing bowls are made, infusing sacred healing in the bowls that is revealed when they are played. Bowls made by machine or by pouring the mixture into molds can now be found, as well.
Mary Ann Gebhardt teaches yoga with her singing bowls at Vista Natural Wellness. For more information, visit and