Learn Sound Healing with Tibetan Singing Bowls
Singing bowls produce sounds which invoke a deep state of relaxation that naturally assists individuals to enter into meditation and ultimate goal of enlightenment. They are a quintessential aid to meditation, and can be found on private Buddhist altars and in temples, monasteries and meditation halls throughout the world.
Satya Brat, of the International Academy of Sound Healing, will hold a Level 1 Certification for Sound Healing from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., September 13 and 14, at Vista Natural Wellness Center.
Location: 191 Ramapo Valley Rd., Oakland, NJ. For more information, read the article titled, “The Vibration and Sound of Tibetan Singing Bowls” on page 34, or visit VistaNaturalWellness.com and click on Events. Visit iash.in for more information about the teaching academy.