Why Do We Meditate?
Meditation offers one of the best ways to help quiet down our very busy minds. Each day we all are faced with worries about the future, regrets about the past and all sorts of distracting thoughts that take us away from being attentive to the present moment. These distractions make it very difficult to stay present to what is right in front of us, whether it is washing dishes, talking with a friend, helping a child get dressed or any of the thousands of activities that make up our everyday lives.
It is possible to be more fully present to each moment. Practicing meditation is one of the best ways to strengthen our ability to be present and mindful of what we are currently doing and less distracted by thoughts, especially the kinds of unwelcome thoughts that can fill us with anxiety. Meditation is a time-honored practice with ancient roots that go back thousands of years, but it also has been proven to be effective by modern research. Meditation can work if a person is willing to find the time within his or her busy day to set aside a few minutes and make the effort.
Roshi Monika Genmitsu Kahn is a Zen master teacher at Zen Garland, in Airmont, NY. Contact her at 845-547-2004 or ZenGarland.org.