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Published on November 1st, 2014 | by Berta Rodriguez


Spirituality and Science are Beginning to Merge

There are many signs that spirituality and science are merging. There will be a time in the next few years where people that never connected to the concept of spirituality will accept truths rooted in spirituality because science will have provided abundant evidence that there are non-physical aspects and unseen forces in our existence. This merge is already happening, but it will occur at an accelerated rate in the next 10 to 20 years.

The famous scientist Nikola Tesla expressed many years ago, “The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence. To understand the true nature of the universe, one must think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

Everyone is playing a role and every role is valid and necessary, both in the spiritual and scientific communities; focused views from different angles inspire more expansion. Our scientists have historically worked mostly on proving what they could physically see, based on the theory of materialism; that physical matter is the only reality. As more people awaken, including scientists, they can no longer deny the existence of the non-physical, and this has motivated the scientific, medical and technological communities to explore these “spiritual” areas.

When a civilization understands that connection to spirit is part of universal law, then it is no longer a belief system within a list of options, it just is. Part of the game we decided to play on our planet before we incarnated was to doubt our connection to spirit to challenge ourselves to see if we could ascend beyond dense forms within this limited playing field. Those of us that have had a knowing of spirit and the infinity of existence without the need for scientific validation have immersed ourselves in spiritual activities and teachings to enjoy this exploration and experience the awe of remembering without necessarily having to go through the death process, even though in actuality we never die. From a linear perspective, we experience a transition back to spirit and make decisions about where to play next from an infinite list of choices.

There is a lot of research throughout history and currently that validate that the non-physical is also real. One example would be experiments that have been conducted using random number generators (RNG). For several decades, labs like the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research lab, an extension of the laboratory research called FieldREG, and the Institute of Noetic Sciences have done several of these RNG-type experiments to explore how the human mind may have unexplained influence on chaotic systems.

Under the FieldREG project, they detected peaks of non-randomness before, during and after different major world events in the U.S. and Europe, including the death of Princess Diana in September 1997. This led to the Global Consciousness Project, founded by researcher Roger D. Nelson in 1998 and funded by the Institute of Noetic Sciences using the same procedure as PEAR and FieldREG.

The project comprises an international, multidisciplinary collaboration of about 100 scientists and engineers that are continuously collecting data from a global network of physical random number generators of the binary code (0 and 1 digits) located in up to 70 host sites around the world at any given time. There are sites in the U.S., Europe, Canada, India, Fiji, New Zealand, Japan, China, Russia, Brazil, Africa, Thailand, South America and Australia.

More than 15 years of random data have been collected to examine subtle correlations that may reflect the presence and activity of consciousness in the world. They have found that before and during large-scale world events such as 9/11 and the Indian Ocean tsunami there were RNG display spikes of non-randomness. For instance, spikes occurred four hours prior to the 9/11 attacks and 24 hours before the Indian Ocean tsunami. It’s as though a collective consciousness anticipated these events. When spirituality and science fully merge, there will no longer be a need to separate these fields and we will all enjoy the awe of remembering that we are spirit in physical form and in time, the word spirituality may even cease to be used.

Berta Rodrigues, LCSW, CPC, an intuitive life guide and Reiki practitioner, is the owner of Heart Might Creations. Contact her at 1-888-659-3395 or HeartMight.com.

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About the Author

Berta Rodrigues, LCSW, CPC, an intuitive life guide and Reiki practitioner, is the owner of Heart Might Creations. Contact her at 1-888-659-3395 or HeartMight.com.

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