Feng Shui For Holiday Fun
The principles of feng shui bring us balance, helping us to notice what is going on around us, opening our awareness and supporting us to enjoy our moments during this festive, fast-paced time of year. Incorporating the energy of each of the five elements is a sure way to access all the bonus energy the universe has to offer.
Our front door is our face to the world. It should be welcoming not only to our guests, but to us, too. It should open easily, because our front door is a metaphor for how we are moving along in our life journey. We can create a front door that represents us and how we are feeling during this holiday season, or better yet, how we want to feel. Add some color, sparkle and light to create a joyous welcoming experience. Be sure the address is clearly visible so that all opportunities will find us.
Movement should be effortless throughout the home, meandering as if we are a stream of water flowing easily from room to room, with ample space around furniture and objects. We are coming into the season of winter, the element of water, the energy of adaptability and flow, a perfect time to dream of our hearts desires and make plans for the coming New Year. Connecting to the feelings of our thoughts and dreams, we may find we can make it so.
Plants, flowers and trees bring life into our space and remind us how blessed we are to be alive. Embrace the sense of unconditional giving and how good it feels to show kindness to others. To that which we give away with compassion, we reap 1,000 times over, without expectation. The energy of life brings forth an enthusiasm to do, nourishing our ideas and supporting our ability to go-go-go.
We keep our fires burning from within by surrounding ourself with items that create a sparkling festive mood. Choose the method that works best, decorating with objects which bring us feelings of joy, or by donning our holiday gear. A sense of whimsy is always welcome here to help us when we find ourselves becoming too serious. Be spontaneous; laugh, dance and sing.
Remain grounded with a sense of comfort and stability. Create a personal space to feel cozy, warm and nurtured. The aroma of cookies baking in the oven, scents of cinnamon and in the bedroom a bit of lavender bring feelings of comfort and relaxation. Use comfy pillows or snuggly throws, square shapes and earth tones to help feel secure.
The energy of metal can help us focus. If we find ourself too scattered from all the activities and excitement taking place or feel all over the place, like a spilled glass of water, take some time to create a sense of order and control. Stop for a moment to take a breath, allowing 15 minutes to begin to organize our space. Designate an area for gifts, holiday items and other paraphernalia that seem to be cropping up all over. The more time we spend shopping, visiting and celebrating, the less time we have to keep things in their natural order, and for some of us, this can be very daunting and distracting. Choose the space where we can tolerate the temporary chaos and enjoy it.
The most important tip of all is feel the love. If we love everything in our space and it feels good to us, then it is perfect.
Lois Kramer-Perez, CHt, is an intuitive practitioner offering her clients tools using simple techniques for awareness, clarity and empowerment. Contact her at 201-906-5767, Lois@LoisKramerPerez.com or LoisKramerPerez.com.