Energy Boosters Four Ways to Recharge
Stress saps energy, and Americans feel stressed more than ever, with 20 percent of us experiencing “extreme stress” at least weekly, according to the American Institute of Stress. Could late night TV and the ubiquitous presence of electronic devices be the culprits?
Partly, according to information published by Harvard Medical School. While all light stimulates the brain, the blue light from electronic devices and some eco-light bulbs disrupt circadian rhythms, prevent production of melatonin and block deep, healthful, restorative sleep.
Fortunately, there’s an easy remedy, say Harvard experts: Seek abundant exposure to bright natural sunlight, and then turn off all electronic devices an hour before bedtime. Some experts even suggest wearing orange-colored goggles for the last two waking hours to neutralize the energy-sucking blue rays. Here are a few more energy thieves and ways to neutralize them.
Avoid Energy Vampires
Problem: We all know someone that exhausts us, according to Dr. Judith Orloff, Venice Beach, California, author of the new book, The Ecstasy of Surrender. Maybe he or she talks endlessly about personal matters, is incessantly negative, a gossip or a guilt-tripper.
Solution: “Take control. Get in the driver’s seat,” advises Orloff. “Create a circle of positive people around you. Stay calm and centered. Distance yourself from energy vampires and if they’re family, limit time spent with them and establish boundaries.”
Recognize Time Leeches
Problem: We fall into the black hole of Facebook or cute kitten videos. Hours pass and we fall behind in more productive activities and then feel drained and groggy.
Solution: Time management is essential to preserving energy, says Orloff. Limit time spent on social media. Check email once or twice a day instead of every 15 minutes.
“The Internet is addictive, almost like a drug,” explains Orloff. “When you’re online, your energy is cut off and you become a zombie; you’re not in your body. Take a technology fast. Talk to your mate. Make love. Go for a walk in the woods. See your best friend.”
Get Rid of Clutter
Problem: We all have way too much “stuff,”says Linda Rauch Carter, author of Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life. “If you don’t have room, you shut yourself off from the flow of energy in your home and become exhausted,” says the Tustin, California, feng shui expert. “When I ask a client to take half of the stuff off a shelf and then ask how it feels, they almost always take a deep breath. “The clutter literally chokes off breath and vitality.”
Solution: “Clear out what isn’t needed,” counsels Carter. “Keep a balance by making it a habit when bringing new things into a home or work environments to let go of a comparable number of old things at the same time.”
Beware of clutter creep, the slow accumulation of energy-sapping clutter, she says. “I believe the lack of energy so many of us experience is a nearly undetectable, chronic energy drain that seems slight, yet over time becomes a big problem.”
Stop Electromagnetic Pollution
Problem: We are all surrounded by energy-draining electromagnetic fields (EMF) from myriad electronic devices and systems in homes and offices, plus cell phone towers and transmission lines. All of these operate on frequencies that can be major energy drains, says Carter. Japanese research physician Ryoichi Ogawa found that 80 percent of his chronic fatigue patients were frequent users of electromagnetic technologies (Omega-News).
Solution: Minimize indoor exposure to EMFs by using land lines with corded phones, power strips and shutting off electricity to nonessential appliances when not in use. “I’ve been preaching this for 20 years,” says Carter. Protecting sleep space is a primary consideration. “Make sure no beds are near electrical entrances and cell phones. Get rid of cordless phones, which are like mini cell towers, right there in the house.” she adds.
The easiest solution Carter says, is to put bare feet on bare earth for 15 to 20 minutes a day. “It will pull some of that excess EMF charge right off of you.”
Kathleen Barnes is the author of numerous natural health books and publisher at Take Charge Books. Connect at
More Ways to Recharge
Take a walk. A brisk 10-minute walk gets the cobwebs out and neutralizes the four o’clock energy slump, says Dr. Judith Orloff. Just spending time outside is a simple, time-tested way of boosting energy.
Recent Scottish research published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine confirms the energy-enhancing power of nature in general, noting that people that live near trees have lower levels of the stress hormone, cortisol.
Just Say No. “’No,’ is a complete sentence,” says Orloff. “You don’t have to be mean or angry about it; just firmly say ‘No,’ when someone asks you to do something you don’t want to do or because you already feel overcommitted or overwhelmed. You don’t have to explain or make excuses.” A commitment isn’t necessarily final either, remarks Orloff: “If you dread it and can’t delegate it, renegotiate the earlier agreement.”