Living from the Higher Brain Eliminates Stress
The prefrontal cortex, also known as the “higher brain” is a more recent biological structure in the human brain. Science has shown that we only use only 5 percent of the potential in this region of our brain. This is the area that is responsible for activating our body’s ability to rejuvenate, feel inner calm and find meaning in life. This vital part of our brain is a more recent development, and is mostly dormant.
Our experience of the world is largely filtered through our limbic system, or lower brain. This is the region of the brain responsible for survival and “fight-or-flight” responses. When this area of our brain is activated, this directly correlates with our experience of the world; in a survival state, we see problems and the world is interpreted as a place full of struggle, stress and fear.
Newsweek writes, “To get at the essence of anxiety, you have to start with the anatomy of fear. The brain is not just a thinking machine; it is a biological adaptation, designed to promote survival in the environments where it evolved.”
Higher Brain Living is a technique that has been developed to shift the energy from the lower fear-based brain into the higher brain.
In stressful situations, the lower brain automatically takes over in order to keep us safe; it is reactive and fast to interpret in order to keep us alive. This reactivity is a positive trait developed during a time when we needed to be able to react quickly in order to survive within our environment. In the Stone Age, if a tiger was about to leap on us, we needed to be able to react without consciously thinking about how to react; the lower brain ensured we were able to keep ourselves safe in survival-based situations.
In today’s landscape, tigers are rare, but our brain still interprets the landscape through this filter. To the lower brain, there is no difference between a late rent check or a tiger; they are both stressors which trigger this region of the brain. Even when life is going well, in the “age of information”, we process large amounts of data, interpret complex social structures and are under an onslaught of information like never before in history. This level of increased complexity is interpreted as stress upon the brain, which contributes to an increase of activity in the limbic region of our lower brain.
What does energy have to do with experience? When our sensory experience is first filtered through our lower primitive brain, there is more energetic activity in that region of our brain. When this occurs, our brain literally blocks us from experiencing our limitless capacity for joy and well-being.
Discover magazine writes about the lower brain: “This may have been an optimal design in which survival was a minute-by-minute question…the persistence of the low road (lower brain) in a world where predators are largely non-existent may no longer be adaptive…”
Meditation has been proven to increase activity in the prefrontal cortex, or higher brain. This correlates with increased states of peace, well-being and relaxation. Yet meditation is a long process. So what would happen if we could work with the physiology of the body to create the same surge of energy into the higher brain?
With a shift in energy in the brain, the correlating states emerge. In this case, a release of the energy of the lower brain survival state into the higher brain offers more peace, clarity, problem-solving and more joy.
Higher Brain Living is a technique that has been developed to shift the energy from the lower fear-based brain into the higher brain. Through a series of 22 sessions led by a trained Higher Brain Living facilitator, subtle energy neuro-pathways are opened and activated through touch, creating a surge of energy, and through the physiology of the body, releasing the grip of the lower brain and surging it into the higher brain.
The sessions create a response in the body that brings life-sustaining oxygen and increased metabolism into the higher brain. The experience is relaxing and empowering and opens a gateway to joy, gratitude, purpose, meaning and connection to the divine.
The Higher Brain Living experience is much more expansive than a series of treatments on a session table. Clients also receive comprehensive tools to help navigate out of chronic emotional blockages and into the joyful, vertical growth reality of Higher Brain Living, helping rapidly propel them into the life of their dreams.
Dr. Michael Cotton is a leading evolutionary theorist and the founder of Higher Brain Living. He holds a doctoral degree in chiropractic and is the creator of the revolutionary Higher Brain Living system. Visit for information on attending a live Higher Brain Living demonstration in Franklin Lakes.