Kambô Amazon Medicine Ceremony at Pandora Space
Pandora Space, in Hawthorne, will host two Kambô medicine ceremonies led by trained Kambô practitioner and initiated medicine woman Frances A. Cunza, from noon to 5 p.m., March 17 and 18. This ceremony offers participants a unique experience of nature’s benevolence and a powerful cleanse and rejuvenation of the body, mind and spirit. Cunza is a healer, educator and singer. Her holistic background and experience as a ceremony leader enable her to create a sacred and safe space for all those receiving this precious medicine.
Kambô is the traditional name of the Phyllomedusa bicolor giant monkey frog (and its medicinal secretion) that lives in the upper Amazon rainforest. For centuries, natives have used Kambô to treat illness, reduce pain, increase energy, sharpen the mind, dissolve negative energy and bring good luck. More than 30 years of scientific research suggests that Kambô is one of the most powerful natural antibiotic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory substances in the world, and one of the most powerful medicines known to naturally strengthen the immune system.
Participation is limited to 10 participants per session. Location: 274 Lafayette Ave., Hawthorne, NJ. Register (required) via email to KamboCeremony@gmail.com. For more information, visit PandoraHeal.com.