Qigong Energy for Improving Health
The human electromagnetic field has been studied by scientists, researchers, and doctors around the world. Your energy field is a blueprint for your bodily functions, inherited genetic material, thoughts, memories, emotional or physical traumas, and consciousness.
The energy and information field directly affects health and wellness, and becomes depleted in a diseased state, and needs to be strengthened for health and wellness to occur.
The field can be positively impacted using various methods such as strong intention, focused attention, prayer and Qigong. Qigong can impact the energy field on various levels. When acupuncture points meridians and organs become blocked, Qi (chi) energy may become interrupted, and disease and pain typically result.
Practicing Qigong helps restore harmony and balance by opening channels and meridians, allowing for the release of energy blockages and enabling the absorption of outside or universal energy into your own body. The practice of Qigong aims to develop human potential and allow for higher levels of awareness. However, the practice typically takes time to have significant impact on the physical and emotional levels. Thanks to a relatively new invention, you can now reap the benefits of Qigong more quickly than ever before. Conceptualized and developed by a Qigong master, a highly sensitized energy program has been developed that has a positive impact on the human electromagnetic field by sending positive signals, disrupting negative patterns, and rebuilding energy flow or Qi.
This program was designed to serve as an energetic blue print to address deep-rooted underlying causes of illness and disease and can assist those willing to take greater responsibility for their own health, as well as those who want reduced stress and greater relaxation.
Qigong is a form of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the benefits can be significant through re-establishing the body/mind/soul connection. According to the Qigong Institute, “Millions practice Qigong in China and around the world each day to successfully treat diseases from osteoarthritis to cancer and to improve overall health.”
The Qigong Enhancer, a revolutionary energy healing system, is designed to scan your energy field at a distance, running tens of thousands of energy tests in seconds. Your information is compared to a data base with over one million lines of code from Qigong, Western, and Oriental Medical Systems, and information is relayed back on which areas are energetically blocked and being focused on.
Without any input from you, the Qigong Enhancer continues to reassess your energy field on an ongoing basis, sending positive signals during the course of the day remotely, no matter where you are or what you are doing.
The Qigong Enhancer can be tailored to anyone seeking the long term lasting effects of Qigong to address acute or chronic issues.
Private sessions are available utilizing advanced quantum field tools that target your acute or chronic issues more deeply. Advanced quantum field tools incorporate the elements of earth, metal, water and fire as well as layers of the auras and chakras.
We work on five issues during each private session, which may include any medically diagnosed condition, any reoccurring pattern or current life situation. We can work with blood results, x-rays or a written or oral summary of emotional challenges. We also work with issues pertaining to teeth.
Benefits of a private sessioninclude an assessment by the Qigong Enhancer that indicates which supplements will benefit you, as derived from an extensive list of amino acids, fatty acids, herbs, hormones, minerals, vitamins, essential oils, flower essence and neurotransmitters. In addition to taking the nutrients in physical form, the Qigong Enhancer is also equipped to handle it energetically, saving you time and money.
For the products you wish to take in physical form, many can be purchased separately through us and shipped to you. We seek out the purest and most effective products.
Private sessionsserve as a great adjunct to the monthly Qigong Enhancer program and provide a more in depth clearing, balancing, and recharging of your energy systems, which is designed to strengthen your overall vitality and well being. Sessions also include ongoing correspondence and program monitoring.
For more information or to book a session, contact Alison Schwartz 973-908-4209.