A New Mind
Writing this letter on the spring equinox and hopefully, the last snowfall until winter’s return, our friends that follow astrology tell us that there is much occurring in that realm, including a total solar eclipse near the northern polar region that will be witnessed by the folks in Greenland and Scandinavia. Energetically, it will be a good time for success with group projects and personal relationships. These are interesting times and they command attention to how we see ourselves and the world around us.
German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer said famously, “Everyone takes the limits of his own vision for the limits of the world.” If we can develop and expand our perception of our own limits, we can go some way toward changing how we view the extraordinary capacity inherent in the world around us. There is an old Chinese proverb that warns us, “If we don’t change our direction, we are likely to wind up where we are headed,” and where we are headed is as much a collective situation as it is an individual one. It is also as much an individual psychological responsibility as it is a collective one.”
What this suggests is that how we think globally reflects the reality of the world we inhabit, and as our once-familiar world begins to adapt to a new phase, so must our understanding; otherwise, we may find life increasingly difficult, stressful and not only incomprehensible, but also downright hostile. We have to accept that it is our responsibility—our imperative—to make ourselves adapt to a constantly evolving natural and cosmic environment. Perhaps for the first time in history, conscious evolution has ceased to be a choice open to humanity and become a necessity upon which our future depends.
Conscious evolution is about acquiring evolutionary consciousness, about thinking in terms of the “macro” and about the direction our species is taking. It is our evolutionary imperative to actively engage in conscious and intentional evolutionary transformation if we are to remain a viable living species on planet Earth. We need to bring forth a new mind in order to accept a new world.