The Soulful Aspect of a Woman’s Balance
As a woman moves deeper into her wise self and wisdom, she begins to pay more attention to what her soul wants and needs, rather than what her personality wants and needs. Our personalities have many positive attributes, but they also carry desires that are generated by fears, anger, jealousies, greed and insecurities. The personality is not as evolved and developed as the soul; thus, it’s wise to reach for and connect with the soul and its desires.
Women tend to carry a knowing that comes from the connection to their gut instincts, feelings and intuition—we could easily say these are the representative voices of her soul. The key is listening, listening to that voice, which is her truth, and then taking action to answer the call of her soul. When she sits still, quiets down, listens and hears her soul saying, “Time to look for a new job,” she acts on that information and begins looking for a job. It takes practice to establish a firm anchor into the soul, and once anchored, women make rewarding and effective decisions in their daily lives. A large part of happiness is making good decisions, and the guidance from the soul’s voice assures that outcome.
Men tend to use words like “think” or “believe” in their sentences, while women tend to use words like “feel” or “sense”. A man would probably say, “I think this is a good vacation plan,” whereas a woman would more likely say, “I get a good feeling about this vacation plan.” The use of such words by women affirm soul communion and further anchor her identity into the truth of her soulful nature. Wise women possess the ability to maneuver through the realities of thinking and feeling and maintain the balance between the two with successful grace.
The dance of balance is something wise women are always engaged with—the balance between giving and receiving, strength and vulnerability, work and play, and the feminine/masculine nature. This balance is fueled and sustained by her practice to remain sensitive and true to her inner flow and energy. Her practice involves sitting with God on a daily basis, being a member of a thriving family and community, expressing her creative impulses, engaging in self-care and speaking her truth.
Wise women are those that do their best to live in balance and be true to their soul desires and aren’t ruled by the trapping passions of the personality. They live in authentic sisterhood, always thinking win-win, and through their courage, they make meaningful contributions by remaining true to their soul’s calling.
Dr. Robert Kandarjian, author of Sacred Intentions, Life & Afterlife and The Masculine Heart, has been practicing integrative body-mind therapy since 1983. As a motivational speaker and practitioner, he conducts Wise Women’s Workshops (including May 2, in Paramus). For more information, visit