Tap into the Energy of Spring with Feng Shui
Mother Nature is our greatest teacher of divine wisdom, and each season, she provides support for our greatest good. We find ourselves waking up in the spring, along with the emerging blades of grass, the sprouts and the buds on the trees. Freshness is in the air. As we become more conscious of all that the season of spring brings, we can ride this energy that Mother Nature offers to becoming inspired, excited and ready to take action.
Feng shui, the system of creating balance within us as we create balance in our physical environment, is directly connected to the cycles of Mother Nature, giving us the opportunity to align with the energy of the seasons. The most powerful aspect of feng shui is the ability we have to connect with our subconscious, which is always waiting for instruction on how to feel and behave, and we do this most of the time without a conscious thought.
Feng shui principles help us change our patterns by helping us change the way we relate to experiences in our life. For example, the experience of entering our home sets a pattern. How do we feel? Do we even notice? Does the door get stuck or not open easily? Can we not get to the door without bumping into things? What do we see when first enter—things to do, such as laundry, or an object or color we dislike? Does the experience bring up feelings of annoyance, impatience or frustration?
The subconscious mind does not know the difference between a memory or a real occurrence, so whatever pattern we have created will elicit feelings before we even get through the front door. We can change a pattern of perpetuating an unwanted experience by making physical changes in our space purposefully connected to the feelings that we desire. How easily the door opens and the experience of liking what we see and feel creates a new pattern. Once we have made the appropriate change in our space, we begin to anticipate that newly programmed experience before we even arrive. Thus, we have successfully created a new experience that will become stronger each time we enter our home.
Now is the perfect time to begin making positive changes, because Mother Nature is inviting us to connect with her wisdom, inviting us to align with the essence of springtime—a time to refresh, renew and create the new beginnings that we desire.
Lois Kramer-Perez, CHt, is an intuitive practitioner offering her clients tools using simple techniques for awareness, clarity and empowerment. Contact her at 201-906-5767, Lois@ LoisKramerPerez.com or LoisKramerPerez.com.