May Law of Attraction Tip
The Law of Attraction can be defined in several ways. Some of the easiest definitions are “Like attracts like,” or “You get what you think about.” But what that means and how it affect us is that that we’re thinking about and/or focusing on is what we’re going to attract to our life. We can attract things such as more money, a dream house, a relationship or even a dream car. We can also attract a better emotional state so we just feel more excited about our life. It’s also important to know that the Law of Attraction is always operating in our life, bringing to us whatever it is we’re focusing on, either “good” or “bad.”
Fortunately, there are processes and techniques we can learn about so that we may use the Law of Attraction in a manner where circumstances work in our favor. One such process is called pivoting. For example, we realize that we’re thinking about what we don’t want, and then immediately flip the thought to what we do want, and stay focused on that. The key is to be aware enough of our thoughts so that we can use the pivot process. With practice, we can start thinking more about what we do want than what we don’t want, and then we’ll start seeing more of what we want showing up in our life.
David Scott Bartky is a certified life coach by the Quantum Success Coaching Academy. For more information or to book an appointment for an initial complimentary phone coaching session, visit