The Inside Story of Global Produce Distribution
The produce in our local grocery store may look pretty on the outside, but inside, it is likely to be tired and worn out after having travelled long and far to get there. It is estimated that the average American meal travels about 1,500 miles to get from farm to plate and can take up to 17 days to do so. So while it may be tempting to buy that tomato in the dead of winter, there are many reasons to wait until you can get it locally, in season, and preferably right from our own back yard.
Produce brought in from across the country or other parts of the world has already spent up to three days being processed, four to seven days in transport and up to seven more days in the store. It will never taste as fresh as something harvested in season at its peak of freshness.
Produce that will be transported long distances is often picked while unripe and then gassed to ripen it after transport, or may be highly processed with preservatives to keep it stable for transport and sale. It is no wonder that tomatoes packaged in cellophane wrap taste like cardboard. There is also a higher chance for contamination when produce passes through so many hands between processing, travel and retail display.
Some fruits and vegetables also lose nutrition during their voyage. Broccoli, mushrooms, peas and asparagus have high respiration rates (releasing energy stored in organic molecules). The longer produce has to breathe before it is consumed, the less likely it is to retain nutrients.
Also, long-distance travel takes a toll on the environment, using large quantities of fossil fuels and generating carbon dioxide emissions. Eating locally is an easy way to reduce our carbon footprint.
Kenny Baldo is a garden consultant and certified health and wellness coach. For a complimentary consultation, call 732-410-6173. For more information, visit