Warrior Women’s Grief Yoga Class in River Edge
Most people experience grief in the heart and lungs, and that is why Sally Rodriguez-Hamm, RYT, of Soul Practice Yoga and a member of the National Yoga Alliance, conducts a Warrior Women’s Grief Yoga Group that is intentionally kept small.
Blankets and props are used to assist participants to sink into relaxation to reduce physical and emotional suffering. “Stress-based breathing is short and shallow in nature, and mostly located in the upper part of our chest, it’s the type of breath associated with the fight-or-flight response,” says Rodriguez-Hamm. “When we breathe in this way, we are inadvertently signaling to our body that it is being threatened, and the natural response of the body to such stimuli is to increase stress and anxiety levels.”
Rodriguez-Hamm follows selected asanas (poses) that support the heart chakra, such as child’s pose, the warrior series, camel and other self-care-minded poses. Participants honor their yoga experience by ending with savasana (corpse pose), the ultimate pose for grief, and a guided yoga nidra meditation. Rodriguez-Hamm also offers private or group yoga classes, Zen children’s birthday parties and location visits.
For more information, call 201-618-5779, email SoulPracticeYoga@gmail.com or visit SoulPracticeYoga.com.