Release Triggers and Emotional Patterns That Drive Emotional Eating
Many people can release weight and keep it off for weeks, months and even years. However, due an emotional trigger such as the loss of a job or divorce, the weight may suddenly reappear, seemingly overnight. The Trim-Life hypnosis-based program guides participants to discover these triggers and unhealthy emotional eating patterns and allows them to be released from where they reside in the subconscious mind. Trim-Life professional Lois Kramer-Perez, CHt., will conduct a conference call at 7 p.m., October 14, to describe how the Trim-Life program works and why it is successful in helping people develop healthy relationship with food.
Beginning October 21, participants in the five-week group program will meet every Wednesday at 7 p.m. This is a program specifically designed for people that have tried many diet programs unsuccessfully. The Wellness Institute has offered this program since 2012 in partnership with The Cleveland Clinic Center for Integrative Medicine.
To register for conference call and receive call-in instructions or to sign up directly for the Trim-Life course, visit Kramer-Perez can be reached after the conference call for assistance at 201-906-5767 or Lois@Lois