Dream Blessings to Improve Sleep and Health
Getting a good solid night’s sleep is essential for a healthy life and healing. We heal most when we’re unconscious and our bodies are fully at rest. Many people with insomnia resort to taking medication to fall asleep, and many are wound up and stressed that they cannot relax enough to sleep peacefully. Many are not even aware that they dream at all, as if they are disconnected from a greater part of themselves during the night when they are trying to rest and sleep.
These “dream blessings” described in the book Dream Blessings to Improve Sleep and Health, by John Seeley, MA, were created as a way to bless people and share love. It allows many to sleep through the night and reconnect with a deeper aspect of who they are. Healing is a multidimensional process, and until we integrate our whole being and attain a state of peaceful calm, healing and integration cannot fully occur.
Now this book is here to share the wisdom and help people to heal and empower themselves. This is about having the ability to champion ourselves by taking proactive steps towards our health and well-being. The book offers a “nighty-night blessing” for each night of the year to assist with taking a minute or two to prepare for a peaceful, restful, healing sleep full of rich dreams and learning to interpret our own dream symbols.
Judi Pickrell is a national gymnastics judge and speaker. To pre-order a copy of Dream Blessings to Improve Health, Healing & Life while supporting its creation, visit Tinyurl.com/pff2efb.