Formaldehyde Found in GMO Soybeans
Researchers from the International Center for Integrative Systems, in Cambridge, Massachusetts, have determined that genetically modified (GM/GMO) soybean plants accumulate the carcinogen formaldehyde.
The researchers utilized a scientific method called CytoSolve to analyze 6,497 diverse laboratory studies conducted by 184 scientific institutions in 23 countries worldwide. The study data showed that GMO soybeans significantly accumulate formaldehyde, a class-one carcinogen.
The research also found that genetic modification forces a depletion of glutathione among the plants, which weakens their immune system. This contrasts with the proposals put forth by the GM industry that GMO soybean plants are stronger, allowing them to endure environmental hardships better than non-GMO soybean plants.
The research was led by V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai, Ph.D., a biologist trained at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and published in the peer-reviewed journal Agricultural Sciences. “The results demand immediate testing, along with rigorous scientific standards to assure such testing is objective and replicable. It’s unbelievable such standards for testing don’t already exist. The safety of our food supply demands that science delivers such modern scientific standards for approval of GMOs,” states Ayyadurai.
Former Environmental Protection Agency Senior Scientist Ray Seidler, Ph.D., comments about the study, “The discovery reported by Ayyadurai reveals a new molecular paradigm associated with genetic engineering that will require research to discover why the extent of formaldehyde and glutathione concentrations are altered, and what other chemicals relevant to human and animal health are affected. We need the kinds of standards Ayyadurai demands to conduct such research.”