Weight Gain, Not a Simple Knot to Untie
Being overweight is the first symptom of a process that will seriously debilitate or even kill us. In some instances, being overweight is a result of poor food choices and overeating; however, in most instances, it is not. More broadly, being overweight is an expression of inflammation in each cell and organ system in our body; toxicity, including metals and chemicals that create a body burden; poor metabolism, whether as a result of hypothyroidism or blood sugar dysregulation or both; and corrupt practices of the food and pharmaceutical industries to get people hooked on food additives and synthetic drugs.
The conclusion is that most of what we have learned about weight and health is completely wrong. Americans didn’t just spontaneously begin to overeat and pack on pounds for no good reason.
First, we live in a sick care society. The medical profession has abandoned responsibility for patient care to the pharmaceutical industry. They turn a blind eye to the core cause of illness and weight gain; our modern diet combined with our body burden, and instead hype expensive drugs and treatments that only manage and maintain a cascade of worsening and chronic symptoms.
Many doctors would rather propose a surgical solution such as lap band or gastric bypass, or offer a miracle weight-loss drug than they would educate patients about advances in science that can help determine deficiencies and root causes. They take a wait-and-see approach, offering no help with nutritional and dietary solutions that work. The result is a steady stream of medical insurance reimbursements for them and years of suffering for patients.
Also, it is almost impossible to get reliable information to make honest decisions and improve our health. Not only are many research studies of nutrition backed by major drug and food industries, thereby corrupting legitimate scientific inquiry, but the media then spins the message and all the debate leads to inaction. While the diet books place the blame on sugar one day, calories and calorie counting the next and subsequently on fats, carbohydrates, proteins, on down the list. They finally place blame on the patient.
Reputable experts tend to agree on these basic tenets of weight loss: Consume fewer calories than we expend and we will magically lose weight; follow a high-carbohydrate, low-fat diet and we will magically lose weight; eat whatever we want in moderation and we will magically lose weight; and stop choosing to be fat and we will magically lose weight. They are wrong. It is no wonder that each generation is heavier than the preceding one, and at an earlier age. The food we eat is filled with antibiotics, human growth hormones, pesticides, food additives, chemicals and molds.
The buildup of fat stores has begun to play a crucial role in our survival; the brain, central nervous system and vital organs are vulnerable target tissues for toxins. Instead, our fat stores become the place where these contaminants accumulate, which is altogether different from the biological purpose of fat, which is to protect us from starvation in leaner times.
Dr. Douglas J. Pucci, D.C., FAAIM, regularly offers in-office seminars presenting the latest science and clinical data on neurotoxic illness, hormone disruptions and chronic disease. He provides nutrition, comprehensive testing for health biomarkers, brain and body care and more. For more information, call 201-261-5430 or visit GetWell-Now.com.