Tips for Improving Communication with Doctors
by Douglas J. Pucci
Doctors can try their hardest to help their patients, but it’s a two-way street; if we make certain mistakes, it can destroy our chances of getting better. Whether these are overlooked emotional blocks or hidden bad habits, the chances are that they interfere with better outcomes. Here are a few missteps to look out for that will facilitate better communication.
Focused on Lab Tests Instead of Results
Back in school and while growing into adulthood, we all learn from the elders around us that getting high marks on a test score or an assignment is a good thing. Everyone likes praise, and no one more so than the good student inside us that wants to be perfect.
What happens when our doctor circles that elevated cholesterol marker on our blood test and tells us it’s time to think about a prescription is that we feel small. Instead of asking questions that would get to the root of why our body is failing, we fall silent. For some perspective, simply remember that a blood test, or any test, is a snapshot of a particular moment in time. It’s neither a mark of failure nor a measurement of our healing potential.
Fighting Change Instead of Embracing It
A lot of us try to become the best that we can throughout life, and most of us learn to play by the rules. We eat the perfect breakfast, exercise or practice a spiritual belief most days and get a good night’s sleep. Still, something doesn’t feel right and plainly isn’t working the way it should.
What happens is that the warning signs our body is sending are missed because habit and routine have set in. What we learned as the “rules” of good health have changed. Not only that, but our own physical, mental and emotional needs have, too. We’re forced to adapt, and it’s hard.
Practice slowing down a little and reconnecting with what’s really happening inside. Learn to listen, really listen to that inner voice, because even though may seem like it, we didn’t wake up one day with this problem.
Hoping That Tomorrow It All Goes Away
The hardest thing to imagine is having our health become a burden, because that means that we will have to rely on others for help. To think that this could happen is painful so we’d rather just sleep it off and hope that tomorrow it gets better.
The consequence of doing nothing and hoping for a better day is that, well, nothing happens. Instead of mustering our resources while we have them, our condition worsens. Sometimes panic sets in, or a feeling of dread that might have been alleviated sooner if only we had taken action.
To avoid this isolation, reach out to a trusted advisor; someone in the community that gains our respect by getting to know us and what we’re capable of.
Dr. Douglas J. Pucci, DC, FAAIM, offers the latest science and clinical data on neurotoxic illness, hormone disruptions and chronic disease at his seminars. For more information, call 201-261-5430 or visit