June Law of Attraction Tip
Resistance is one of the things that blocks manifestation. Resistance are thoughts like doubt and worry and questions like, “How will this happen?” or, “Why is it taking so long to…” The problem is most of us have been practicing our entire lives being caught up in resistant thought, instead of deliberately focusing on what we want.
There are several ways to lower resistance so we can allow what we want to manifest for us. One thing to do to reduce resistance so we can allow what we want to manifest is catch ourselves thinking about what we don’t want and ask, “What do I want?” The answer is usually the opposite of what we’re thinking about. Once we have our answer, we can just get caught up in focusing on that for as long as we can so it becomes a habit.
One of the benefits of deliberately lowering resistance is we feel healthier and have more energy. This makes sense because spending time worrying about something or doubting something steals our energy and there are physical results. Once you live life from a Law of Attraction point of view it only gets better.
David Scott Bartky is a certified life coach by the Quantum Success Coaching Academy. For more information or to book an appointment for an initial complimentary phone coaching session, visit LifeCoachDavid.com.