It’s Time for Change
I recently visited my friend Sandra Harmon, a love and life coach and New York Times bestselling author. You can check her out at Before we went out to grab dinner, Sandra showed me a website called, where the public can hire local professionals for just about any task imaginable. She confessed that she set up a relationship coach profile on this portal to see if it could be a viable resource for generating new clients if demand for her services ever tapered off.
Sandra explained that users of this website request bids for services from the many professionals listed in this vast online directory, and after being notified via email, the professionals have the option of engaging with the user to potentially capture their business. Sandra showed me several of these recent email requests on her phone. Users of this website provide a brief description of what they are seeking help with when they solicit bids. We soon found ourselves looking at her phone again during dinner. The requests kept coming in. I counted 16 during the two hours we spent at the restaurant.
I was not surprised at this. I personally know several life coaches, and they are booked solid most days. Last summer, I met a hypnotherapist that mentioned he was seeing a steady increase in new clients. It appears that something is shifting with humanity. Many have been or are currently experiencing circumstances or events that are providing the necessary impetus and motivation for growth and change, and they in turn may seek out the help of a professional to guide them through the transition.
From what I gather, the days of being asleep at the wheel are over for many of us—present company included. It’s becoming more challenging to continue in thinking or behavior patterns that no longer serve us. The lessons appear to come more swiftly and with greater precision, as perhaps the universe may no longer be so inclined to forgive our ignorance. I recently found myself involved in an argument with someone where we both tried to impose our viewpoint on the other. I know better, but I got caught up in the emotional charge behind the topic and allowed myself to be pulled into a verbal conflict.
I immediately felt the physical impact of my actions: I literally felt sick. This was simply a reminder not to engage in this type of behavior. The next time, I’ll save my energy, sit back and listen and perhaps even smile as the other person does their best to convince me that they are right. Enjoy our editorial offerings this month in a centered and balanced state of mind— you won’t need any convincing.
Jerry & Pat Hocek, Publishers