
Monthly Archives: June 2016

Master Level Crystal Workshop in Paramus

June 28th, 2016 | by Natural Awakenings Northern New Jersey

The Metaphysical Center of New Jersey (MCNJ) will present a lecture and workshop, Aligning Crystals with Your Light Body with Mika (Wayne Nelson), [&hellip

Learn Access Bars in Paramus

June 28th, 2016 | by Natural Awakenings Northern New Jersey

Those that would like to know how to release thoughts that don’t work with ease and bring greater possibilities into their [&hellip

Psychic Fair in North Haledon

June 28th, 2016 | by Natural Awakenings Northern New Jersey

KG Divine Wellness & Beauty Center will host a psychic fair from 11a.m. to 5 p.m., July 23, with talented [&hellip

It’s Time for Change

June 28th, 2016 | by Jerry & Pat Hocek

recently visited my friend Sandra Harmon, a love and life coach and New York Times bestselling author. You can check [&hellip

Falling Asleep the Natural Way

June 13th, 2016 | by Joseph Quiroz

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), about 70 million Americans suffer from chronic sleep problems. That’s nearly [&hellip

June Law of Attraction Tip

June 13th, 2016 | by David Scott Barkty

Resistance is one of the things that blocks manifestation. Resistance are thoughts like doubt and worry and questions like, “How [&hellip

How I Avoid Crime

June 2nd, 2016 | by Jerry & Pat Hocek

I had breakfast at the Teaneck Marriott at Glenpointe recently. You can usually get a decent omelet at the large [&hellip

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