Positive Shift: Law of Attraction Tip
by David Scott Bartky
The Law of Attraction is always responding to us and giving us more experiences and circumstances that match our thoughts. One way we can start to become more aware of what we’re thinking about is to consider this statement: “If an alarm went off every time we thought of something negative or of something unwanted, it is certain that we’d be hearing alarms going off all day!”
We must ask ourselves how often these negative alarms are going off and start to become aware enough so that we can gradually stop them. The reason why we are so used to thinking about what we don’t want and focusing on more negative situations is because that’s what we’re used to practicing. Years and years go by, and so many of us are thinking this way. Once we become aware of what we’re spending our time thinking about, we do have a choice. We can either continue thinking about what we don’t want or we can choose to start thinking about and focusing on what we do want. It may sound simple, but once we are aware of what we’re thinking about, it takes practice to deliberately think the opposite.
With time and practice, we can deliberately shift our thoughts from negative to positive until it becomes a habit to go to the positive thought. Once that starts happening, not only will we feel better in general, we’ll notice that we are attracting more of what we want. It’s so exciting when the Law of Attraction makes this happen as a result of the thoughts we’re focusing on.
David Scott Bartky is an experienced certified life coach and certified consulting hypnotist. For more information or to book an appointment for an initial complimentary phone coaching session, visit LifeCoachDavid.com.