Healing Childhood Trauma
“Stupid, ugly, fat, annoying, useless, a pain. Too tall, too skinny, clumsy, awkward. She’s not very pretty. He’ll never be much of an athlete.” Many children hear these words and much worse growing up. Sometimes they come from parents or siblings, or perhaps such things are said by other children at school or recess. Even teachers can be unkind. These words and comments are hurtful at the time, but we push through, try to ignore what was said and bury the pain.
“Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words will never hurt me,” is an often repeated saying, but it really isn’t true. We may not be physically hurt by words, but we can certainly be emotionally hurt, both at the time and for long into the future. The incident, situation or exact words might have long ago been forgotten, but the emotional pain, embarrassment, humiliation or shame can become trapped emotions, remaining with us forever, affecting how we see, think and feel about ourselves. Most times, no conscious connection is made between the two, but subconsciously, it is very real and present.
For example, if a person has been told over and over that they are stupid when they are young they may spend their entire lives thinking that they are incapable of learning certain subjects or skills, and will limit how far they are willing to stretch themselves. They probably won’t remember that others indoctrinated them to believe that about themselves long ago. A negative charge, or energy, is formed and attaches itself to a person’s psyche and sense of self, often without their awareness of the impact.
It possible to change the effects of past experiences and release the negative energy associated with it, and doing so can bring about profound changes in our life, outlook and future. With Emotional Rebalancing, we can first identify, and then release the negative energies that hold us back from realizing the truth of who we really are. Then we can learn to appreciate and truly love the child and adult within.
Muscle testing identifies the emotions, and the use of a magnet releases the negative charge. Doing so can allow us to live a life of greater joy, happiness, success and abundance, both professionally and personally. Letting go of trapped emotions will enhance our relationships with ourselves and others and allow us to live the life that we truly want.
Erica Hill is a certified natural health care educator and Emotion Code practitioner in Ridgewood, NJ. To schedule an appointment, call Alternatives For Wellness at 201-444-7407 or visit AlternativesForWellness.net.