Clear the Holiday Clutter with Feng Shui
As the holiday season approaches, many of us start decorating and making our homes beautiful. Take this opportunity to change the energies of the home and entice good qi to enter. When we surround ourselves with good energy, we allow for better fortune and new opportunities to manifest.
We should throw out old papers, trash, broken appliances and broken china and give away old clothes, open the windows during every season of the year to let in fresh air and sunshine and play some uplifting music. Place lamps in dark corners. Mop the floor with fragrance; clean the windows and screens. Find and remove sources of dust. Move furniture away from the walls and clean them, then move them back again. Give the main entrance of the home a fresh coat of paint outside and inside.
Aileen Soo, an award-winning feng shui master, best-selling author and speaker, states, “It is not wise to let the energy in the home go stale. Use incense and a ringing bell made out of metal to clear the space on a regular basis.”
Soo also notes, “If you are traveling, it is good to make sure you leave some yang energy at home. A house left with no occupants for more than one week starts to attract yin energies, which include burglary, theft, illnesses and potential undesirable things. This is why people who come back to an empty home sometimes get sick, especially since the body is already so tired from the trip. You need to keep the yang energy inside the home alive and on going, even while you are away.
Do this by leaving the radio on at a low volume, as sounds keep yang energy alive at home. You may also use an electronic timer to turn on your lights on at night.”
For appointments with Soo, call 212-281-3888 or email For more information, visit,