Lecture on Bruno Groening Spiritual Healing
Dr. Wolfgang Vogelsberger, a medical doctor and chronic pain specialist, will present a lecture on the late German mystic Bruno Groening, at 7 p.m., May 2, at Lakeland Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, in Wayne.
Groening taught that a higher power exists and can heal and showed people how to connect to it. Vogelsberger will present this simple approach to spiritual healing as he shares documented, present-day reports of healings of severe, chronic and reportedly incurable diseases. People that have been healed will share their experiences.
Bruno Groening attracted public attention in 1949 and healings are claimed to continue to this day. More than 80,000 people from more than 120 countries are practicing Groening’s teachings through the Bruno Groening Circle of Friends.
Admission is free, donations optional. Location: 231 Parish Dr., Wayne. For more information, call Penny Galante at 845-357-2309 or email PennyGalante@verizon.net.