False Evidence Appearing Real
False evidence appearing real (FEAR) is a product of the mind. FEAR is not an accurate account of what is occurring now—it is always a future-based concept. The future is not now. The thing is, we only have now; we don’t live in the future—yet.
If you wish to project negativity, go ahead. But in my opinion, that’s a fool’s game. I forget which philosopher said, “Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present,” and I believe him to be accurate.
This month’s publisher letter was inspired by a recent dinner conversation with our good friend, Kevin Bolembach, of Godlyke Distributing. You can check out his Clifton, New Jersey-based business at Godlyke.com. To read more publisher letters like this one, visit JerryHocek.com.