Disruption Precedes Change
Disruption typically precedes change, and it appears that we’re well into the disruption phase. One prime example of this is the massive Women’s March that took place on January 20. When it was all said and done, 673 marches took place worldwide on all seven continents, drawing over 5 million protesters to the streets. It is reported that Teresa Shook, of Hawaii, created a Facebook event and invited friends to march on Washington D.C. in protest of President Trump’s election campaign and political views. The creation of other similar Facebook pages followed, and this quickly led to thousands of women signing up to march all over the world.
No matter how you might feel about Donald Trump, our government or the current state of local or global affairs, you’ll probably agree that much needs to improve. Being upset about circumstances rarely improves or resolves anything. It simply keeps us unhappy and stressed. That angst can be channeled into very positive and constructive endeavors; but we may first need to change the way we’re looking at things.
If you’re tired of being disenchanted and wish to take some action to ensure a brighter future, join me, Jefferson Harman and others so we may begin a different kind of dialogue that is focused on solutions that we can all implement together, but we first need to begin coming out of our insular lifestyle. We also need to stop waiting for someone else to fix everything. There is no one else. There’s only you and me. We are the system, and we’re the ones that have to change.
To learn more about the upcoming speaker/discussion workshops, see the ad on page 11 and the Street View column on page 16 or visit PlanetJersey.com.
Jerry & Pat Hocek, Publishers