Intuitive Painting Classes in Ringwood
Harmony With Nature offers weekly intuitive painting classes for self-expression and healing every Tuesday at 9 a.m. for adults and 7 p.m. for children. Intuitive painting allows participants to feel more empowered, develop intuition, better connect to their self-love and get acquainted with the ethereal aspects of their being.
Owner Simona Murphy, a Ringwood resident, uses higher intuition and tools such as sacred geometry to guide participants to release blocks and negative emotions, and also reclaim their creative energy and self-confidence. Murphy also provides a variety of other painting classes, workshops and the occasional music jam session at Harmony With Nature.
Location: 1131 Greenwood Lake Tpke., Ste. B1, Ringwood. To reserve your seat, call 973-506-4244 or email For more information, visit