Protein and Fat Play an Important Role in Cancer Recovery
Our bodies are as fragile as they are hardy. Which way they lean depends entirely upon us. Those that can read the signs of disease and connect the dots will most likely find the best treatments and outcomes for their condition. This is especially true when addressing cancer. Modern medicine appears to be losing their battle against cancer, because it is consistently either the first or second leading cause of death in America.
It is no secret that there are numerous holistic approaches to addressing cancer. The best listing of the American doctors that employ some of these approaches are discussed in Suzanne Sommers’ book, Knockout. There are also a multitude of holistic practitioners nationwide that help their clients with cancer, as well as myriad European doctors that also incorporate successful holistic options in their cancer programs.
Holistic programs tend to individualize cancer treatment, while traditional medical treatments tend to be one-size-fits-all. When managing our own health, the trick is selecting the correct therapies that will work for each individual case of an illness. Any commonsense approach to healing would include incorporating the known variables—health status and all options available for treatment, plus the outcomes claimed from using those options. It is true that a cancer cell requires an acidic environment to thrive and theoretically, an alkaline body might throw off cancer in time, but only if the body is nourished and strong enough to endure this treatment. Time is just what a starved body does not have.
According to Science Daily, “Many cancer patients suffer from a dramatic loss of fat and muscle mass. This extreme wasting, or cachexia, is often the actual cause of death in cancer patients.” It is estimated that more than 70 percent of cancer patients suffer from muscle wasting, a condition that can only be rectified by the body receiving more protein each day than is lost to the disease.
Fruits and vegetables (alkaline foods) offer little, if any, protein. A very high-protein diet is what will provide the body the time needed for any treatment to work. It would make the most sense, if one is trying to outlast cancer, to continually replace the muscle mass that is lost to the disease. Muscle mass is made from protein, fat and water. Unless a person has plenty of muscle mass, it is unlikely they will withstand a lengthy cancer treatment, especially one that restricts protein intake in favor of fruits and vegetables. Most cancers can be beaten if the body can outlast the cancer.
Dian Freeman, in private practice in Morristown, NJ, teaches a six-month nutritional certification course and has certified more than 700 graduates in holistic health over the last 14 years. She is completing a doctorate in medical humanities at Drew University. For more information, call 973 267-4816 or visit