Dream Interpretation at Englewood Public Library
The Englewood Public Library will present a lecture, Dream Interpretation with RoseMarie Rubinetti, from 7 to 9 p.m., October 17. She will guide participants on a quest to better understand our dreams. Interpreting dreams may lead us to enter states of deep healing and transformation.
Rubinetti states, “During our sleep time, we often travel to the astral planes, where we meet up with our loved ones who have passed, as well as our guides, angels and the ascended masters. We also use our dream state to work on our emotional, mental, psychic wounds and baggage.”
Rubinettii has been interpreting dreams for more than 15 years and is also an ordained spiritual minister, hypnotherapist, hospice grief counselor and reiki attuned.
Location: 31 Engle St. For more information or to register (required), call 201-568-2215 ext.244, email Programming@Englewood.bccls.org or visit EnglewoodLibrary.org.