Hasbrouck Heights Library Intuitive Tarot Reading Class
The Hasbrouck Heights Library will present a tarot reading class at 7 p.m., October 23, led by Lee Van Zyl, owner of the MontClair Psychic School, in Rutherford.
Van Zyl will teach participants to perform readings for themselves and others using Rider Waite tarot decks. They will start with tarot basics and learn how to read the cards immediately without the need for further study.
No prior experience is necessary. One deck is required for every two people and is recommended to BYO deck, as practice decks will be limited.
Admission is free. Location: 320 Blvd. For more information or to register (required), call 201-288-6653, email Alison.Cole@hasbrouckheights.bccls.org or visit HasbrouckHeights.bccls.org.