Holy Name Medical Center Empowers People Impacted by Cancer
Those receiving cancer treatments often feel better and heal faster when emotional and social support are part of the treatment. Holy Name Medical Center, a leader in personal and compassionate care, has launched a new program partnership with Cancer Support Community, formerly known as Gilda’s Club to bring free education, support and guidance to those living with or affected by cancer.
Cancer Center physicians, nurses, navigators, social workers and volunteers work closely with each patient and their family to ensure they are empowered by knowledge, supported by Holy Name’s family of experts and connected to hospital and community resources that will strengthen their cancer treatment and recovery. Participants can join regardless of whether they’ve received care at Holy Name.
CEO Michael Maron says, “Caring for someone with cancer is more than just treating the disease. It is about extending emotional support and hope at every stage of a person’s cancer journey. It cannot simply be imaging, surgery, chemo, radiation, repeat. We have to take it a step further.”
For more information, call 201- 833-3392 or visit HolyName.org/cancersupport.