How to Interview A Potential New Doctor
by Dana Ferwerda
Finding the right doctor can be a daunting task. There are so many in and out of network, those that we are referred to and those that we stick with because we are not sure how to find the right one for us. If we are interested in looking for a doctor that has a broader scope of practice and mindset toward a holistic approach, but with the requisite medical background, knowing the right questions to ask before we get started can help weed out practitioners that are not in alignment with our goals. Preparing our thoughts about what we truly are looking for in a practitioner can set the intention and keep us on track to finding the right doctor.
The first priority is understand that we have the right to interview doctors before making a decision to team up with them. It up to us to do our own due diligence. They will be the cornerstone of our health and wellness team, and we may need to meet and rule out a few. Here are some questions to consider when interviewing a potential doctor.
What is their knowledge of our ailments? What success and track record do they have with clearing up our particular issues?
If all of our testing and blood work comes back normal and within range, but we are still having symptoms of ailment, what would the practitioner do? We want a doctor that can think outside the box for solutions.
Do they consult with other practitioners? A good practitioner will be humble enough to say that they are not sure of a solution and that another doctor may have specific knowlege suited to assisting us in our healing.
If we were unable to be this doctor’s patient, is there someone they would recommend? This question is always subjective because the person we are asking may be looking for completely different qualities and traits in a practitioner themselves.
Do they include, encourage or refer their patients to seek out alternative healing practices? One way to heal does not fit all people. Sometimes we need a combination of healing modalities to achieve ultimate wellness. If a doctor thinks that there is only one way or that they are the only person who can help us, it may be a red flag for their willingness to search for a solution to our illness.
Do they consider nutrition and supplements in their health plan? Food has been know to help assist, cure and reduce symptoms of all types of ailments. Have they received specific nutritional training? Most medical schools don’t offer it.
Will they take the time to be interviewed? If they are too busy to chat, then they may be too busy to listen to our ailments. This can be a red flag, as we would appreciate a doctor that takes their time with their patients to understand their concerns.
Do they consider our own personal assessment of our health? A good doctor will take into account our personal experience and understanding about our health.
We have every right to switch doctors. We do not have to be stuck with a practitioner that is not providing us relief, treating us as an individual or moving us towards our wellness goals. We must take charge of and be our own advocates on our wellness journey. If a change needs to be made, then do it. It will only open up new possibilities for moving forward on our wellness journey.
Dana Ferwerda is a health coach and advocate and owner of Zen Theory Nutrition. For more information, call 201-515-5125 or email