Discover New Sources of Happiness
When we are young, we tend to think that wealth, prestige, and possessing beautiful things may bring us happiness, but then we must create true happiness from within. Body & Brain Yoga/Tai Chi Wyckoff will facilitate a workshop, Discover New Sources of Happiness, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., May 6, to discover how to create a life of health, happiness and peace without depending on external circumstances. Participants will explore concepts of self-creation as discussed in the book I’ve Decided to Live 120 Years, by Body & Brain Yoga/Tai Chi founder and bestselling author Ilchi Lee.
We cannot know how long we will live, but at age 60, if we made a plan to live another 60 years, we might do things differently. The workshop will explore this topic deeply, and focus on three choices that could bring happiness and a sense of fulfillment to our lives: awakening to our true nature; living a life of creation; and working to benefit others.
Cost is $95. Location: 525 Cedar Hill Ave. 2nd fl., Wyckoff. For reservations, call 201-444-6020. For more info, visit: